NAME: Sherry Paz OCCUPATION: Information technology education learning specialist for Harris Health System INTEREST: Balloon art Balloons have long evoked the innocence of childhood and the joyful spirit of any age eager to celebrate a special occasion. But for Sherry Paz, balloons have become a way to express herself. “The whole premise of a balloon […]
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On the Side
Memorial Hermann cardiologist Konstantinos Charitakis, M.D., cycles his way to healthy living
NAME: Konstantinos Charitakis, M.D. OCCUPATION: Interventional cardiologist at Memorial Hermann Hospital; assistant professor of cardiovascular medicine at McGovern Medical School at UTHealth INTEREST: Cycling As an interventional cardiologist, Konstantinos [...]
MoreMemorial Hermann Nurse Christina Wells Advances to Semifinals in ‘America’s Got Talent’
NAME: Christina Wells OCCUPATION: Registered nurse at Memorial Hermann Health System INTEREST: Vocal performance On June 5, 2018, millions of television viewers watched Christina Wells walk onto the America [...]