1st International Conference on Polyploid Giant Cancer Cells: Biology and Clinical Applications
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Completed Event: | February 17, 2024 |
We are delighted to invite all Scientists, Oncologists, Post-Doctoral Fellows, and Graduate Students in cancer research to the inaugural International Conference on Polyploid Giant Cancer Cells.
Over the past century, pathologists have observed distinctive large mononucleated or multinucleated giant cancer cells, known as polyploid giant cancer cells. These cells, which have multiple copies of the genome, contribute significantly to nuclear atypia, a critical diagnostic criterion for determining cancer grading and malignancy.
Polyploid genomes are detected in approximately 37-50% of human cancers, representing one of the most frequently altered genetic events in cancer. Cancer cells with polyploid genomes and salient giant-sized morphology are now collectively referred as to polyploid giant cancer cells (PGCCs). PGCCs are prevalent in high-grade malignant tumors across various organs, including the breast, ovary, uterus, pancreas, colon, lung, and brain, and in leukemia, lymphoma, and sarcoma.
PGCCs were initially believed to be senescent and nonviable due to their inability to undergo mitosis, the past decade has witnessed a transformative shift in the understanding of these cells. PGCCs represent a stress-responsive mechanism in which mitosis-independent growth mimics early embryogenesis, impacting immortality, malignant transformation, invasion, metastasis, dormancy, and resistance. The embryonic properties of these cells have rejuvenated the century-old embryonic theory of cancer, reshaping our comprehension of cancer on the organismal and tissue-development levels.
The emerging study of PGCCs holds significant promise for understanding cancer and improving patient outcomes by enhancing therapeutic efficacy, reducing resistance, and enabling early detection. The dedicated special issue on PGCCs in underscores the paramount importance of this field. www.sciencedirect.com