New device offers a mouthful of data for chronic diseases

Aidar Health, formerly known as Multisensor Diagnostics, has developed a portable hand-held device that allows patients to measure and track vital signs in a matter of seconds. Roughly the size of an iPhone, MouthLab consists of a hand unit and a mouthpiece that fits between the teeth and lips. The mouthpiece uses special sensors to gather information from breathing patterns, saliva and blood vessels in the lips and hands.
Users inhale and exhale into the mouthpiece and, within 30 seconds, MouthLab measures 10 different parameters of their health: temperature, blood pressure, electrical activity of the heart, oxygen saturation, pulse rate, respiratory rate, breathing pattern, heart rate, heart rate variability and lung function.
“Let’s take, for example, a credit report or FICO score,” said Sathya Elumalai, president and CEO of Aidar Health. “People don’t look at it every single day, but if something is wrong and there’s a negative effect, they look at it. Those scores are not determined based on your credit card performance. It’s based on several other factors. Similarly, when it comes to health, there’s a variety of factors responsible for somebody’s health. We are collecting only a tiny percentage … but everything adds value.”
The information is securely stored in the cloud and sent in real time to patients, caregivers and health care providers using technology to connect directly to a 4G network, called LTE-M.
Currently, MouthLab aims to help patients manage ongoing diseases, specifically heart failure and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), but Elumalai said he plans to add more sensing capabilities to the device in the future to read other biological indicators of health, making it a useful monitoring device for everyone.
“The ultimate goal is to measure all the different parameters,” Elumalai said. “Ideally, we want every single individual in the world to use it. It is not just a device for helping patients, but we wanted to have this device as a daily monitoring tool.”
Aidar Health, which participated under its previous name in the TMC Innovation Institute’s TMCx accelerator program, is currently conducting clinical studies at Johns Hopkins University and plans to submit its application for U.S. Food and Drug Administration approval early next year.