Memorial Hermann Hospital in the heart of the Texas Medical Center.
Memorial Hermann Hospital in the heart of the Texas Medical Center.

Memorial Hermann and Baylor Scott & White merger has been canceled

The merger would have potentially transformed health care delivery in the Lone Star State

Memorial Hermann and Baylor Scott & White merger has been canceled

Memorial Hermann Health System officials have announced that a proposed $14 billion merger between the Houston health care system and the Dallas-based Baylor Scott & White has been scrubbed.

Identical statements released on February 5, 2019 by both health care giants offered an explanation for the discontinuation, but Memorial Hermann officials declined to provide further details.

“After months of thoughtful exploration, we have decided to discontinue talks of a merger between our two systems. Ultimately, we have concluded that as strong, successful organizations, we are capable of achieving our visions for the future without merging at this time. We have a tremendous amount of respect for each other and remain committed to strengthening our communities, advancing the health of Texans and transforming the delivery of care. We will continue to seek opportunities for collaboration as two forward-thinking, mission-driven organizations,” the statements said.

On October 1, 2018, the powerhouses announced plans to merge their 68 hospitals across 30 counties into one behemoth system that would potentially increase the efficiency of health care delivery in Texas. Had the merger become final, the two organizations promised to provide integrated, consumer-centric, cost-effective care for Texans as the largest nonprofit hospital system in the state.

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