Children’s Memorial Hermann Hospital’s Breastfeeding and Lactation Tips for World Breastfeeding Week

August 7 marks the conclusion of the annual celebration of World Breastfeeding Week.
In celebration and support of all mothers, Children’s Memorial Hermann Hospital and Women’s Memorial Hermann The Woodlands Hospital gathered up the top tips from its certified lactation consultants to aid any mother seeking guidance on breastfeeding and lactation.
- Relieving Soreness during Breastfeeding
- After feeding your baby, apply hand expressed breast milk to your breast area allowing them to air-dry for several seconds.
- 2-3 times a day you may apply a soothing salt water compress to your breast. After a feeding, dissolve ½ tsp of salt in 8 ox warm water. Dip your washcloth in the solution and apply the washcloth to your breast and leave on for 3 to 5 minutes.
- Apply a medical grade lanolin ointment
- If soreness persists, you may apply a hydrogel dressing to the sore area.
- If you’re unable to latch your baby due to soreness, it is important to consult a Lactation Consultant to determine the cause of the pain you are experiencing.
- Preventing engorgement-
- Feed your baby frequently and often
- Ensure your baby is sufficiently feeding at the breast by noticing if your breast feels softer and you are hearing audible swallowing.
- If your baby is not nursing well or is not wanting to feed and your breast are full, empty your breast enough to relieve the fullness that you are experiencing with a manual hand pump, hand expression, or an electronic breast pump.
- If you notice your breasts are warm to the touch, hard, and or red notify your Healthcare Provider or a Lactation Consultant in your area.
- Increasing Your Milk Supply
- Feed your baby frequently
- Avoid pacifiers and bottles when possible.
- Take care of Mom, relax!
- Consider pumping, adding pumping sessions after or between nursing sessions can be very helpful.
- Keep pumping for 2-5 minutes after the last drop
- Consider adding a galactagogue (herb, prescription medication, dietary supplement) intended to increase your milk supply.
- When to seek help from a Lactation Consultant
- You are unable to latch your baby comfortably
- Sore nipples unrelieved by treatment and latch adjustment
- Your baby was born less than 37 weeks or has special needs.
- You are worried you’re not making enough breast milk to meet your baby’s demands.
- Your baby is not gaining enough weight.
Children’s Memorial Hermann Hospital, Memorial Hermann The Woodlands and Memorial Hermann Memorial City Medical Center are considered “Baby Friendly” facilities as designated by Baby-Friendly USA, Inc., the U.S. authority for the implementation of the Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI) a global program sponsored by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF).
This is a special recognition that exemplifies the hospital’s commitment to the community to provide exceptional comprehensive services offering an optimal level of care for breastfeeding mothers and their babies.
In addition, Memorial Hermann Northeast Hospital, Memorial Hermann Greater Heights Hospital, Memorial Hermann Pearland Hospital, Memorial Hermann Southeast Hospital, and Memorial Herman Southwest Hospital recently received the 2017 International Board Certified Lactation Consultant® (IBCLC®) Care Award from the International Board of Lactation Consultant Examiners® (IBLCE) and the International Lactation Consultant Association® (ILCA). The global award recognizes facilities that hire certified lactation consultants, promote and support breastfeeding, and have a lactation program available to patients five days a week.