tmcx bootcamp

TMCx Fall 2020 Applications Open

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The Texas Medical Center continues its commitment to bring together health systems, corporate partners, and startup companies who impact health access, outcomes, and costs. TMC Innovation is now accepting applications for the TMCx Fall 2020 cohort.

Who Should Apply?

Healthcare startups ready to engage with health systems should apply to TMCx. The TMC Innovation team supports companies positioned to work with enterprise clients in unique ways to include piloting of new technologies, conducting human studies, joint development opportunities, and much more. Medical device and digital health companies with strong pilot data ready for enterprise relationships are encouraged to apply. For TMCx Fall 2020, we especially encourage startups in the following spaces to apply: Mental Health, Chronic Disease Management, Cardiovascular, Cerebrovascular, Orthopedics, Robotics, Trauma, and Public Health.

Why Apply to TMCx?

Located within the world’s largest medical center, TMC Innovation is the gateway for startup companies to gain access to the country’s top healthcare institutions.  We believe customer access is critical to healthcare innovation, and as part of the TMCx program, you will meet with stakeholders representing multiple large health systems who have been pre-selected based on common interests between you and the health system.

Through the TMCx program, we serve as an extension of your team to foster and develop these relationships with our medical center institutions. In addition, TMCx companies have access to our network of mentors – experts in their respective fields across various needs and stages of startups. Your success is our success. We measure the relationships that springboard your company to its next milestone.

What does TMCx participation entail?

The TMCx program requires a founder and/or C-suite representative’s commitment for periodic virtual meetings in Fall 2020, and, if selected to the TMCx accelerator, 3 days per month for 6 months thereafter. The 3 days each month are dedicated to strategic sessions and meetings with our member institutions and advisor network. Our team and mentor network support you continuously throughout the six month period.

Key Dates:

July 26: Application Deadline

August 17: Companies notified of selection into next phase of diligence.

September – October: Further diligence on select companies. This diligence period is for the TMCx team and our partners to evaluate companies fit for the program and for companies to evaluate opportunities with TMC Innovation.

October 30: Companies notified of selection into TMCx Fall 2020 program

January 2021 – 2021 : TMCx program- virtual until travel to Houston becomes available.

What is the TMC Innovation team looking for in the application?

Our team is evaluating each company’s clinical value proposition and readiness to work with a large health system. Descriptions of ongoing pilot, pre-clinical, or clinical milestones already achieved as well as a well-articulated plan to continue toward commercialization or scale with an understanding of how users will adopt your technology are important to discuss in the application.

Apply by July 26th.

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