Amidst a global pandemic, public health has stepped into a spotlight. Public health touches everything from sanitation to injury prevention to infectious and chronic disease. Every year, Harris County Public Health conducts an epidemiological study to determine what the major public health concerns are for Harris County and what actions officials can take to mitigate concerns. Houston has a high prevalence of several chronic diseases that have root causes in genetic factors, environmental exposure, education, and lifestyle factors.
TMC Innovation will support collaboration with our local public health department by seeking technologies focusing on chronic disease management, treatment adherence, and virtual care. There will also be particular consideration given to technologies working in cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity, cancer, healthy aging, asthma and COPD, and dental health, especially around adherence, lifestyle changes, and education.
Apply by July 26th.
TMCx Companies in the Public Health space
Aidar – measures multiple vital signs by mouth in less than a minute
Patch’d Medical – remote patient monitoring that can predict patient deterioration
TestCard – making home health screening accessible with postcard-sized urinalysis diagnostics
DosentRx – personalized patient-controlled device for the delivery of medication at the bedside or at home
Vitls – 24/7 wearable monitor for vitals
Blumio – measure blood pressure continuously, without the need to rely on the use of an inflatable cuff
Moving Analytics – complete cardiac rehab at home
Strados Labs – continuous breathing sensor that connects doctors with asthma and COPD patients
Amina Health – fast, simple micronutrient screening
HelpWear – 24/7 wearable heart monitor
Raiing Medical – smart thermometer for children
Healthcoin – blockchain-enabled platform for diabetes prevention (acquired)