
Cerebrovascular | TMCx 2020 Focus Area

Strokes are the fifth leading cause of death in the United States, with someone dying of a stroke every 4 minutes. The risk factors of stroke are tied to several other chronic conditions such as obesity, smoking, and diabetes. The Houston area has a high burden of these conditions.  However, Houston is also home to the Texas Medical Center, which includes one of the world’s first Stroke Centers and other world leaders in stroke care. TMC Innovation is seeking start-ups for its fall cohort that will support and continue to further the strides being made in stroke care by our partners in the Texas Medical Center.

Apply by July 26th.

TMCx Companies in the Cerebrovascular space

Forest Devices – Screening device that enables identification of stroke patients and triage to the right level of care.

Axem Neurotechnology – Brain-sensing device for monitoring and enhancing neurological rehabilitation

Obsidio – injectable material stops undesirable flow of blood anywhere in the body

SensorRX – leverages smartphone data to improve patient outcomes in migraine patients

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